Every event is unique! This is the very nature of the sound bath experience, and we embrace it. The differences between events challenges us to continually improve our services and to learn and improve from every successful collaboration. We work closely with you to provide everything necessary to keep participants informed and ensure sessions are well-attended and well-received. Partner organizations must be able to provide enough space and a quiet, ambient atmosphere conducive to sound healing. This includes floor space that can accommodate between 10 to 25 participants lying on mats arranged around the instruments, with some seating available, if needed. (Approximately 600sqft can accommodate up to 15 participants.)
Sessions are scheduled like other classes or special events and generally scheduled seasonally, approximately 3-4 months apart. Notable celestial and seasonal dates are often popular and booked well in advance. Most sessions require less than 3-hours on your schedule. Welcome and promotional material are provided by Lotus.
The Lotus Sound Bath experience attracts a diverse audience and is popular for staff-only sessions, which is an excellent way to experience a sound bath in your space for the first time. Terms are negotiable depending on the unique characteristics of the events and venue.
Introduce your community to the benefits of sound healing by hosting a Lotus Sound Bath session in your space this season! We share the same goal: to foster total health.